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Come out to be social AND get some good karma!

From: Rob
Sent on: Tuesday, April 7, 2009, 3:08 PM
I am holding a fund raiser to raise money for carcer research. There will be drink specials, apps,?and great fun all for only 5 bucks!
I am running in a triathlon for cancer research in May and need your help. This is a great oportunity to meet everyone and add some good karma to your life.
Invite anybody and everybody!!! Great place to bring a date as well.
Where: The big bang downtown
When: Thusday April 9th at 7:00pm
What: Fun sing alongs and a good hearted friendly crowd.
I'm attaching a picture so you can find me.
Thank you.
If you can't make it and have been affected by cancer in some way, you can donate directly to my site at:

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