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Flag Football Tournament Tomorrow-REMINDER

From: Damon
Sent on: Friday, November 14, 2014, 1:08 PM

Happy Friday!  We have quite a few people signed up already for tomorrow (25)! We still have a number of spots available so if you want to play some football tomorrow morning, please RSVP and come out! It's going to be a perfect cool, fall Saturday morning in Nashville for football!

We almost have enough for 4, 7/8 man teams! I'm hoping we get a handful of people so I can paint two full fields!  Need to know by this evening so I can get out there bright and early to paint.

As a reminder, if you have RSVP'd yes, please don't back out. I understand things happen, but don't just wake up tomorrow morning and say, "it's too cold to play football." Know that it's going to be a bit chilly. Please be on time and bring some dues if you haven't chipped in for a while.

See you tomorrow!

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