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New Meetup: Classical Concert Series Opener: Wolff conducts Beethoven & Berlioz

From: Will
Sent on: Thursday, August 26, 2010, 1:55 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Nerd Fun - Boston!

What: Classical Concert Series Opener: Wolff conducts Beethoven & Berlioz

When: Wednesday, September 29,[masked]:30 PM

Where: Jordan Hall
30 Gainsborough St
Boston, MA 02115

It's time for the first event in a series of FREE classical music concerts for the fall season!

Maestro Hugh Wolff, the NEC's Director of Orchestras, opens the NEC's orchestral season this evening, and if last year's opener is any indication, this concert will be superb; Maestro Wolff is a Boston treasure, and with almost a month of preparation time and it being the most senior performers in the school, this concert is sure to be spectacular. This evening's program includes the music of John Adams, Beethoven and Berlioz. Come join us!

For more information about this concert, go to

The concert starts at 8pm, but let's meet up at 7:30, so the group has a chance to get good seats and socialize before the concert. We usually end up sitting in the back full row of the center floor section, since this affords a good view of the entire orchestra, is open to the ceiling, and is easy to describe and find. If, however, the balcony is open, (which it may be for the opener, we will go upstairs to the left middle section, as the view is better from up there, it will be easier to get seats together for the group, and the acoustics are still fantastic.

Directions to Jordan Hall:
The hall is located at the corner of Huntington and Gainsborough streets, about a block south of the Symphony T stop on the Green Line. Look for the building with the YMCA sign on top of it--it's in that building. The main entrance is reached from Gainsborough Street.

This evening's program will include:

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