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New Meetup: Scavenger Hunt!

From: Justin
Sent on: Friday, June 13, 2008, 1:41 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Nerd Fun - Boston!

What: Scavenger Hunt!

When: June 28,[masked]:15 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: Banditos Misteriosos is hosting a Scavenger Hunt. This is the same group that organized the Boston contribution to International Pillow Fight Day.

Because the groups are made at the time of the event, we may or may not all be in the same groups. We may also be put in several smaller groups. I'll be contacting them to ask about the group setup for us. However, when you register on their website make sure that you put your group down as 'Nerd Herd' so at least they know which of us with the Meetup group! If you RSVP 'Yes', please remember to register.

Information and Registration for the event can be found at:

The event location is in Boston Common at:

Google Maps Location

Even details provided by Banditos Misteriosos:

This will be a ?passport scavenger hunt?. So don?t worry, we will provide everything you need, merely show up with energy and shoes! All the items on the list exist within less than a 5 mile radius starting location, so there is no need for alternative transportation. You will be able to complete all the missions by mere foot work!

There really are no rules, but, for the sake of making it easier on us to create the teams, we ask that all members attempt to fill out our registration form ahead of time. It?s nothing scary, just some info so that when you show up, we can get you on your way!

Teams: Team size will be created based on overall turnout. Bring your friends, we won?t be seperating people, but will make up larger teams so that everyone has the chance to meet others and work together.

Registering: Pretty self-explanatory. Please fill out our form! If you weren?t able to sign up in time, don?t worry about it, show up and we?ll set you up with a team.

List: The list will be handed out right at the start of the event. It will consist of people, places, situations and some other random fun mysteries?

Necessary Items: We recommend a map, some water and a digital camera if you want to save some memories.

Judging: At 4:00PM sharp, all participants will meet back at our starting location. Lists will be checked and the winning team shall be declared the victor!

Learn more here: