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New Meetup: Ghosts and Gravestones Trolley Tour

From: T.J. M.
Sent on: Tuesday, September 30, 2008, 2:17 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Nerd Fun - Boston!

What: Ghosts and Gravestones Trolley Tour

When: October 22,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: Ghosts and Gravestones Tour -- Boston
Atlantic Ave at State St
Boston, MA 02228
(next to Marriott Long Wharf)

Ever want to take a trolley tour at night, visiting murder sites in an trolley painted black, and tromping around two old burial grounds in the dark, led by a costumed tour guide dressed like someone making a cheesy cameo on The Addams Family? Join us for some spooky fun on one of our many Halloween themed tours Nerd Fun will be taking this October. Your costumed guide will describe some of the spooky stories of Boston. We held this event once before, and we have the pictures to prove it! ... the guides are there to entertain you, not to scare you (BOO!) with cheap tricks. No flashing lights to make you jump. No bells. No whistles. Just good old fashioned storytelling, with just a few theatrics to enhance the story.

Price: $36.00. Reserve a spot at[masked] and leaving your name and phone number on where they can reach you, and mention your interest in the Wednesday, October 22, 2008 tour.


From the Ghosts and Gravestones site:

Do You Dare Board the Trolley of the DOOMED?

Old Town Trolley Tours invites you to explore our premier 'frightseeing' tour, Ghosts & Gravestones. Prepare yourself for an evening of fun, scares, and ghost stories as you are guided through some of America?s most haunted cities: Boston, Savannah and St. Augustine.

See Boston?s most haunted hotel: The Omni Parker House. As you pass by, you?ll hear stories of the hotel?s more bizarre and permanent tenants. Hear the gruesome saga of the Boston Strangler, and see where his final victim breathed her last. Explore Boston?s most chilling murder sites, haunted places and spend time with the dead as your tour includes exclusive nighttime access into two of Boston?s oldest burying grounds. We?ve been thrilling our audiences for more than a decade and all of us are waiting for you to be next.


From the Trusted Tours website:

Operating Times: (Seasonal)
Opens April 11, 2008. April- May: Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays only
Memorial Day weekend -October: 7 nights a week
Tour Departs: 6 pm, 7 pm, 8 pm and 9 pm
# of Stops: 4+
Duration: 1.5 hours

Booth Location: Tour departs from Old Town Trolley stop #1, at the end of the Marriott Long Wharf Hotel on Atlantic Avenue.

Nearest Intersection: Atlantic Ave and State Street

Parking: There is a parking garage located at 270 Atlantic Ave.

Age Requirements: The Tour is rated PG-13. An adult must accompany Children under 10 yrs. of age. Child ticket is for ages 4-12. Tour may not be suitable for children under 13. Children under 4 are not permitted on the tour.

Notes: Phone-In reservations are required at least 24 hours in advance as space is limited for this popular tour. Your eTicket will contain all details. Tour runs most dark and stormy nights so dress appropriately. Part of the tour is walking. Wear comfortable shoes.



Q) Does the tour run in the rain?

A) YES! The tour runs on dark and stormy nights. The only time tours will be cancelled due to weather is if conditions prove to be too dangerous to proceed. In this event all reserved parties will be notified.

Q) Where do I pick up the trolley?

A) Our tour begins at the Ghosts & Gravestones ticket booth located at the intersection of State Street and Atlantic Avenue (adjacent to the Long Wharf Marriott Hotel).

Q) What time should I pick up my tickets?

A) You must check in with our gravedigger at least 15 minutes prior to your tour. Of course, you are welcome to check in even earlier than that.

Q) Can I buy my tickets online?

A) Yes. However, buying your tickets online DOES NOT GUARANTEE YOU A RESERVATION! You must call[masked] or[masked] to make a reservation. You also must bring the E-Ticket print out with you when you arrive at our ticket booth. Tickets are also available through our Gravediggers directly by calling either number.

Map and directions:



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