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New Meetup: Game On: A Special Charity Event

From: FAN A.
Sent on: Friday, December 5, 2008, 12:31 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Greater Nashua Gamers Meetup Group!

What: Game On: A Special Charity Event

When: December 11,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: Host: Kim from Southern NH Young Professionals

In the spirit of the holidays, I thought it'd be fun to have game night and give back to the community at the same time.

First, the games: I invite everyone to join me at the Borders Cafe in Nashua, with your favorite game(s) in hand, and we'll play the night away.

Second, giving back: This part is OPTIONAL, but I encourage you to share the gift of game and bring a new, unwrapped toy to the event. I will collect the group's donations and drop them off the next day at The Santa Fund, a charity which gives needy children in the area a happy holiday.

Hope you can make it!

About the Santa Fund:
The Santa Fund was started 47 years ago by the publisher of the Nashua Telegraph to give area needy children a happy holiday. Each year since, The Santa Fund has gathered generous donations from area residents who share with those less fortunate. The Salvation Army and Nashua Pastoral Care Center assist the Telegraph in the distribution of these donations.

In 2007, hundreds of new toys, new clothing and a record total of $106,000 was raised and shared with families in our communities.

Here?s how you can help The Santa Fund:
Donate money or new, unwrapped toys and clothes.

Learn more here:

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