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Fwd: Priest's Grotto Documentary Debut

From: chris n.
Sent on: Tuesday, September 4, 2012, 8:25 AM

-----Original Message-----

Hi Everyone,

The documentary, "No Place On Earth", will be shown next week at this year's Toronto Film Festival. The schedule is reprinted further below.  This is a film about how 38 Jews, featured  in my book The Secret of Priest's  Grotto  (Kar Ben Publishing 2007,­m), survived the Holocaust by taking  refuge in a system of caves in excess of 500 days. 

Monday September 10 
Cineplex Yonge & Dundas 9 
9:15 PM

Tuesday September 11 
Cineplex Yonge & Dundas 2 
5:00 PM

Sunday September 16 
Cineplex Yonge & Dundas 9 
6:15 PM
Additional info at:­


Chris Nicola,,­ Cell[masked], "I am part of all that I have seen and met"  (Tennyson, from Ulysses)

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