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Two Holiday Parties This Weekend!

From: user 2.
Sent on: Friday, December 17, 2010, 3:02 AM
Hey Everyone,

Hope you?re enjoying the holiday season.

Before everyone disappears to see family or on vacation we thought it be a good time to get together for some drinks with friends.

Friday night we are getting together with Andy Troy?s groups at Katra 6-11 PM!

This Saturday we will be hosting a holiday house party. We will be showing some classic holiday films to add to the fun. This event will be a potluck so we are expecting the usual great selection of food and beverage for the evening!

The ?house? is a garden apartment in the Upper West Side. There is a large outdoor backyard area that will be covered from the wind and (modestly) heated.

RSVP for either event here: The New York Latin Social Group

Hope to see you this weekend!

Dan, Rich, and John

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