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What we’re about

"Today you are a magnet, for infinite abundance, divine intelligence, and unlimited love. Actually, this has always been true." Mike Dooley, Law of Attraction Quotes

Imagine how powerful it would be for you to operate from your Sacred Self that is filled with Divine Love, Joy,Peace,Beauty,Creativity,Intelligence,Motivation,Success, and Abundance. Where are you with regard to what you are positively attracting in your life? How would you like to break your own barriers and experience more of what you want? This group gives you a safe space to explore and go deeper within to create positive changes on the inside and to see progress on the outside. We are looking for people who are interested in self development, spiritual development, law of attraction, healing, philosophy,psychology,creativity, manifesting, and creating a positive environment that is supportive to empowerment. The group is for people who want  to participate in events to reinforce :wellness, ,focus,truth,growth,alignment,purpose,abundance,manifesting,love,and your connection your Divine nature. You have a unique path that contributes to your wellbeing and to the world. When you are aligned to your truth you can create powerful results in your life adding to the joy and happiness of you we are. As you interact in a world that is filled with different experiences you are called to maintain your center to the best of your ability. It is truly powerful to be able to act from your inner calling and direct your positive energy and intention out into the world. Your energy ripples out and adds to everyone around and everything around you. Join us in a safe environment, that is highly charged and energized to support your dreams,growth, and vision of your truth.


 We welcome you to join us and to Meetup!