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Update For Our Red Carpet Event @ 230 Fifth: DJ & Dancing Added!

From: Andy T.
Sent on: Friday, May 10, 2013, 1:12 PM


Hello Everyone:

Our next event on Friday, May 17th will be something special! Here are a few things to remember:

* This event will be held in 230 FIFTH's exclusive Empire Room which has its own private entrance to the roof!

* Since The Empire Room has a dance floor we’ve brought in a DJ and turned this into a dance party!

* Upon entering the building, take the FRONT elevators to the Empire Room. There will be signs & staff to help direct you. 

* We’ll have great drink specials including $7 red & white wine AND $8 vodka & rum well drinks!

This will be a great event in a space often used by celebrities that most people never see.

I hope you’ll join us!
