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Your Smiling Faces...

From: Steven C.
Sent on: Thursday, October 1, 2009, 12:48 PM
Hey folks,

Sorry for the email... but as an organizer of various events it sure would help me to get to know you and you get to know others if you would feature your face in your profile for the Bay Area Night Photography meetup. If you don't want to do that would you please at least add your face to your photo set? Preferably a recognizable face, not a teeny tiny one and not your dog, cat, rabbit, or any of these unless it's actually what you look like!

or or ...

So if you don't have a likeness of yourself... your assignment is to take one - or have someone else take one of you - and upload it. By all means be creative and modest.

To add a photo to your profile or your photo set: login to Meetup, select "Profile" then "Photos" then "Add profile photo".

For each group you are a member of you can have a different profile photo if you like.

Steven C., your assistant organizer.

PS While I've got you, please remember that there is a page for suggesting meeting ideas - both in single idea format, and a discussion for these. Let us hear from *and SEE* you!

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