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Northern Colorado RPG Writer's Workshop on Facebook

From: Jeremy H.
Sent on: Saturday, September 24, 2016, 3:09 PM

Hello all!

Some of you already know about the NoCo RPG Writer's Workshop, some of you are just reading about it for the first time!  In either case, if you are interested in writing RPGs (for any system), or are actively doing so already, we have a bi-monthly meeting for you!  Those meetings are scheduled here on the Meetup group, but we also have groups on Facebook and G+ for you to host discussions and talk about topics we may or may not cover in the meetings.

If you are interested, join us on Facebook and G+!
Facebook :
G+ :

Also good to know, on the months we don't meet to discuss topics, we host actual playtests for those of us who have created material that needs to be tried out!  Posting on either of the groups will let us know that you have material that you want to test out...and keep your eye out for playtests that are scheduled here via Meetup.

Thanks for your time, and see you at a game soon!
~Jeremy H.

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