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summer hours please read.....

From: Ken
Sent on: Wednesday, May 28, 2014, 10:51 AM

May 28, 2014

Hey Drumming Family,

Recently the leadership of the Alexandria Drummers meetup discussed and came to an understanding regarding some helpful changes.

As many folks are taking time with family for vacations etc during the summer;

Beginning June  we will be meeting the 1st and 3rd Fridays of the month only.  If folks want to get together on alternate Fridays that's great.

Weather permitting, the Organizer may choose to move the location to our outdoors location at King Street Gardens Park.  This notice will occur no later than Thursday 8 pm.

If you plan on attending please RSVP prior to 8pm on Thursday.

Based upon past experience if fewer than 7 people have RSVP'd  by 8pm on Thursday the meetup will be cancelled.

We encourage you to bring a drum or other percussion instruments to add to the merriment.

We hope to see you soon filled with energy and spirit.  peace



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