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Hello All-We just released our first iPhone app into the app store

From: user 1.
Sent on: Friday, August 6, 2010, 11:36 PM
Hello All-We just released our first iPhone app into the app store

Hello ExtJS or Nova Javascript usergroup/meet-up-

First of all- thanks for attending the meet-up last week.
The brief introduction of our products was just a simple one...i didn't want to get too in-depth and take away from the Sencha unveiling.

Secondly, I know this is primarily a web based meet-up group, but with the revamping to ExtJS into Sencha and Sencha Touch i feel that you all would appreciate the product.

We just released our first (of many) mobile applications and would like to hear your feedback.
the app searches for Domain Names and has a few cool features ie BrainStorm.
It's free...check it out and critique (if you'd like).

David Evans

This is the link to the app--> DomainStorm

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