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Invite to Mobile App Hackathon - Saturday, Oct 15 @ AOL

From: user 1.
Sent on: Wednesday, September 28, 2011, 11:36 AM
Hi everyone -

I'm helping organize a coding event coming up in a few weeks -
definitely thought it would be a fit for this group, we tend to see a
lot of people developing with Sencha Touch, haptics technology, JS,
etc. Mobile App Hackathon is a one-day, platform-agnostic event
focused on building mobile apps and demoing them in one day. Beginners
are welcome too. Developer support, food, drink and snacks are
provided, and there will be some cool prizes - all held at the awesome
AOL HQ in Dulles. You can register at:
https://mobileappi...­ (it's free)

In the morning we will have short lightning talks / developer support
from AT&T, Apigee, AppMobi, Viafo and a few other frameworks and APIs
so you will have the opportunity to learn something new that you might
want to try :). Come in a team or code solo, or meet a team on-site or
recruit one through our Facebook page:

Feel free to email me with questions - [address removed] - really
hope to see some of you out!


Twitter: Shanley
Skype: shanleykane

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