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Last call for pre-conference special and pre-conference dinner!

From: user 1.
Sent on: Monday, February 23, 2015, 6:31 AM

Hi All

It feels to me like it's come around very quickly! NorDevCon is this week!

To kick off this year's NorDevCon, the night before (Thursday) we will be having a pre-conference special hosted at the Kings Centre with Allan Kelly and Kevlin Henney followed by the pre-conference dinner at All Bar One.

The Rule of Three
Kevlin Henney

The three-act play, the given–when–then BDD triptych, the three steps of the Feynman problem solving algorithm... a surprising number of things appear to come in threes. This talk walks through — and has some fun with — a number of triples that affect and are found in software development.

Every business is a software business
Allan Kelly

It starts at 5pm, there will be FREE BEER and you can RSVP here.

This year the pre-conference dinner will be at All Bar One (a short walk from the Kings Centre) at 7.30pm.  All are welcome and the fixed price menu is here:

View the menu.

When you RSVP you'll need to pay £11 for the meal and then for your drinks on the night. Please specify a starter, main meal and desert when you RSVP.

You can RSVP here.

I'm looking forward to seeing many of you later in the week!

[address removed]

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