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$25000 grant contest IMPORTANT NEWS

From: Walter B.
Sent on: Thursday, October 1, 2015, 5:16 PM

There have been reports of voting irregularities, and as a result the
administrators of the Superior Trails Contest are asking participants to VERIFY
their email address.

Your votes WILL NOT count, unless you verify your email address. Please vote today
--- to ensure that your votes are being counted.

Please Note: After you vote today, you will receive an email from the Superior
Trail Contest administrators. This email will come from
"" and the subject will say "Email Verification -
Michelob ULTRA Superior Trails." Please open this email and follow the
instructions to verify your email address.

Thank you for your support. The Florida Trail is still in the lead but the #2 trail has closed the gap and the #3 trail is beginning to catch up.  Everyone needs to vote EVERY DAY but only one vote per person per day. 

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