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Re: [witches-1399] fundraiser for Carol!

From: beth g.
Sent on: Sunday, June 20, 2010, 4:08 PM
hi bernadette, will this be for families too?  i think my kids will be home that weekend, otherwise i will have to bring home some plates for them.  i just checked the scheduled for Kepri in brewster and theyre not having their event until July 10th.. so were good.
In a message dated 6/20/2010 3:35:58 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, [address removed] writes:
I hope that everyone is having a most wonderful fathers day!

I wanted to go over what people will be doing for the fundraiser for Mike and Carol. I spoke to those who showed up for Litha yesterday about what we need to do being that this is so last minute.
I would like to make a list of what foods are going to be made and who will make the food.

I would love to know if there will be anyone who will help with paper goods.
For those who did not make it to is a run down as what is going on..

originally, this Sat. was scheduled to be just a full moon at the store. Joe from Palaia Vineyards came into the store yest. and offered his most wonderful place, for a fundraiser for Mike and Carol.

Elizabeth Muise had mentioned doing a fundraiser, and the Coven (Carrine mentioned doing a Spagetti and meatball dinner fundraiser) so..after contacting Joe about the possibility, Joe and his family came into the store and we got things in place. I updated the full moon that was scheduled and added the fundraising to it..and Voila! It's done! :-)

Let me know if you are coming!

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