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The Senate caved.

From: Rusell B.
Sent on: Friday, September 27, 2013, 1:04 PM

Senate Votes to Fund Obamacare
Senate Votes to Fund Obamacare
25 Republicans just voted to fund Obamacare.

The cloture vote to end debate on the House passed Continuing Resolution happened just moments ago. 25 Republicans voted in favor of ending debate, even though they knew that it would result in Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid attaching an amendment to that would allow funding for Obamacare. These 25 Republicans were relying on 5 Democrats to switch over on final passage, rather than relying on themselves to draw a line in the sand and demand a 60 vote threshold to fund Obamacare.

They will try to tell you that on final passage of the bill they voted against Obamacare, but the simple truth is - their vote for cloture was a vote to fund Obamacare. Simple logic would have told them that if they voted on cloture and allowed Harry Reid to strip the defunding measure out of the bill that it would easily pass on a 51 vote simple majority.

Senators Ted Cruz and Mike Lee along with a few others have been leading the charge for the American people for the past 6 weeks to stop Obamacare. They have worked tirelessly to stand up for the American people and they have proven that the majority of the "ruling elite" Republicans are not listening to their constituents.

Special thanks to the following for listening to the American People: Crapo (R-ID), Cruz (R-TX), Enzi (R-WY), Fischer (R-NE), Grassley (R-IA), Heller (R-NV), Inhofe (R-OK), Lee (R-UT), Moran (R-KS), Paul (R-KY), Portman (R-OH), Risch (R-ID), Roberts (R-KS), Rubio (R-FL), Scott (R-SC), Sessions (R-AL), Shelby (R-AL), Toomey (R-PA), Vitter (R-LA).

Here's the list of Senators who voted to fund Obamacare today before they voted against it. Call them and tell them that their games aren't fooling you and you will not stand for it.

Alexander TN     (202)[masked]
Ayotte NH     (202)[masked]
Barrasso WY     (202)[masked]
Blunt MO     (202)[masked]
Boozman AR     (202)[masked]
Burr NC     (202)[masked]
Chambliss GA     (202)[masked]
Chiesa NJ     (202)[masked]
Coats IN     (202)[masked]
Coburn OK     (202)[masked]
Cochran MS     (202)[masked]
Collins ME     (202)[masked]
Corker TN     (202)[masked]
Cornyn TX     (202)[masked]
Graham SC     (202)[masked]
Hoeven ND     (202)[masked]
Isakson GA     (202)[masked]
Johanns NE     (202)[masked]
Johnson WI     (202)[masked]
Kirk IL     (202)[masked]
McCain AZ     (202)[masked]
McConnell KY     (202)[masked]
Murkowski AK     (202)[masked]
Thune SD     (202)[masked]
Wicker MS     (202)[masked]

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