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NVPPA: Sell More... "From Hello to Good-buy!"

From: Philip B.
Sent on: Monday, July 15, 2013, 5:39 PM

Date: Wed, July 17, 2013

Meet & Greet / Registration / Room Setup: 7:00pm
Meeting Start: 7:30pm
Lecture Duration (approx): 2 hours
End (approx): 10:00pm

From Hello to Good-Buy!

Title: From Hello to Good-Buy!

Speaker / Instructor: Pam Long Photography, Ellicott City, MD

Are you ready to lose the fear of selling in-person to your clients?  Does it scare you when your phone rings? Do you worry that your potential clients may ask you something and you don’t have answer?

Sales in not a nasty word; it’s a process in which we guide our clients to get what they need and want.  Sales does not mean that you have to be a hard-sell, dishonest and pushy person that uses trickery.  Do your clients a favor and learn how to easily guide them through their photographic experience that includes a pleasant purchase session.


Pam will discuss how the ‘selling’ process begins prior to the phone call.  If time permits, she’ll engage in role-playing potential phone calls, consultations and ‘sales’ sessions.  She will share some real-life experiences and how she creates a positive experience for her clients that builds trust. She will share tips and suggestions to help you become successful at in-person sales!

Whether you’re experienced or not at photography sales or have a hard time learning to "sell", Pam will make the process seem easy and fun.  Ensure your business success and make more money by attending this 2-hour photography-business seminar by NVPPA and Pam Long Photography!

Pam has a set of 14 portfolio images on the NVPPA site here...

Twitter:  @PamLongPhoto
Instagram: pamlongphoto


Pam runs a successful boutique studio in downtown Ellicott City.  Her clients enjoy a variety of portraiture, from maternity and baby, to children and high school seniors, to bridal and family portraits. Whether her clients choose to be photographed in their studio, around the quaint streets of downtown Ellicott City or out on location, she works tirelessly to ensure they have a fun time while creating beautiful portraits that they will cherish for generations to come. Serving her clients with complete satisfaction is Pam Long Photography’s business model!

Pam maintains a very busy studio calendar along with balancing her family life and charitable work.  She and her husband are raising two beautiful daughters with active lives! Giving back to her community is something that Pam takes a personal interest in, fundraising for Operation Smile, Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep, American Red Cross, Bark for Life and several local charities, to just name a few.

Pam is an international award winning photographer and has won several awards for her client work.  She’s been recognized as Portrait Photographer of the Year for Maryland Professional Photographer’s Association (MDPPA), has won Best Portrait of a Woman, Best Portrait of a Child, Album of the Year, several Best in Show awards among others.  Last year, she was honored to be included in Professional Photographer’s Association’s (PPA) Loan Collection.  She has proudly served on the Board of Directors for the MDPPA for the past several years. 

Pam enjoys teaching as well.  She has had high school interns in her studio for the last three years, partnering with the Gifted and Talented mentoring program in the local high schools.  She’s enjoyed teaching Super Monday classes for PPA and was honored to be a featured speaker at MDPPA’s 2013 Annual Convention.  She was honored to participate in Howard County’s Leadership U program for the[masked] school year. 


Be sure to check out the upcoming image competition on Oct. 16, 2013.



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