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Spanish Meetup & Movie @ Broadway - April 21

From: David
Sent on: Sunday, April 18, 2010, 1:44 PM
Hola a todos,

Last week's Meetup went very well. Thanks for your curiosity and making time to stop by!

The next Spanish Meetup will take place on Wednesday, April 21, at Edin's. We'll meet at 7pm as usual.


The group of you who would like to see the movie at the Broadway cinema at 8:45pm is advised to get the tickets before coming over to the Meetup just to avoid the danger of not getting a ticket at a later point.


I will now terminate sending weekly emails to the former group led by Barbara. If you haven't joined the group on, I encourage you to do so. In case you prefer to remain anonymous, all the events posted on the group website are public and can be viewed by anyone.



Dani, Juan y David

David Wagner

36 Derby Street
NG9 2LG Beeston
United Kingdom

Phone: [masked]
Cell: [masked]
Skype: davidw4695
Web: https://www.kpsqua...­