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Landscape Photo Opportunities

From: Andre t.
Sent on: Friday, November 30, 2007, 4:00 PM

Not sure if you guys know about the Irvine Ranch Wildlands and Parks.  I served as their docent for a while and hiked many of their wilderness trails.  And yes, Irvine family only developed a small portion of their land, a big portion is donated to this park.  You will find many beautiful photo opportunities such as landscape, flower, bird, insect, and events.  Now is probably not the best time to shoot, but good time to get familiar with the trails, you will find many great views when the flowers bloom starting February.  If you're also interested in physical activities, their primary activities are hiking, biking and equestrian, I sometimes tag along their plant/flower, birding and geological walks taking photos.  Anyone can sign up their activity at https://w

Hope you enjoy the wilderness in our neighborhood.


Andre Torng

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