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Local Birding Sites

From: Andre t.
Sent on: Friday, November 30, 2007, 4:42 PM

Annual Christmas bird count is here.  Migratory birds are passing thru.  Spring is a good time for bird photography because the trees are not full of leaves, flowers are popping out all over, easy to see many birds.  If you have a 300mm or longer lense (400mm or 600mm is even better, a 1.4x or 2x teleconverter helps), you may want to visit some of the local birding sites.  Make sure when you shoot bird on top of a tree, increase exposure (like 1 stop).  Or all birds will be black bird.  When shooting white birds like Egret, decrease exposure if you use evaluative metering, or the white bird will be over-exposed.

- San Joaquin wildlife Sanctuary located on Michelson between Culver and Jamboree (actually between Harvard & Jamboree).  Check out their event at, This is really Irvine water treatment plant with many ponds.  They worked with Audubon Society to make it attractive to migratory birds.  They have a monthly guided bird walk on 2nd Sunday 8am-12noon.

- Bolsa Chica Wetland in Huntington Beach.  This is a world famous birding site.  You will see many birders from all around the world or US.  Where the fresh water meets salt water, you will find many birds.  Their site is:

- Tucker Wildlife Sanctuary, located in Modjeska (not sure if fire has affected it or not).  Best place to view/photograph hummingbird, they build a deck specifically for that.  check out their website:

- Donna O'Neil Land conservancy, is located on Ortega Hwy passing Antonio dr before the Cleveland National Forest

Of course, you can see all kinds of sea/water birds at the beaches.  Cleveland National Forest should also have plenty of tree birds.

Also check out Sea & Sage, an Audubon Society Orange County chapter for any birding info:

Happy photographing,

Andre Torng

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