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Job landed at IT Job Seekers Meetup

From: Jindrich L.
Sent on: Friday, February 8, 2008, 10:08 AM
We have an exciting announcement. At our recent Meetup, Hang Hueng found a job and is starting with the new company on Monday next week. Congratulations, Hang!

Hang has been looking for Business Analyst or similar position since she graduated from BU with MSc in Information Technology. She came to our recent IT Job Seekers Meetup where she met Keith O?Donnell, a technology staffing consultant at Hollister, who introduced her to one of his clients. Great job, Keith! Hang had an interview the next day with a local consulting company which was looking for somebody with her skills. The interview went very well and she is starting the new position on Monday.

Once again, we believe that at any given time there are dozens of well-suited positions out there for every one of us. The underlying problem is where do we find these jobs and where do employers and recruiters find us. At our IT Job Seeker Meetup we strive to make those jobs visible and to help people find them.

Join us at our next Meetup on February 27th.

We are looking forward to seeing you there.


IT Job Seekers Greater Boston (Java?

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