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LinkedIn Profile - give yours an extra boost

From: Jindrich L.
Sent on: Thursday, March 27, 2008, 12:42 PM
Hi Everybody,

Since many of you have a profile on LinkedIn you may want to give it an extra boost in two simple steps:

1) Get jobs automatically matched to your LinkedIn profile on
Simply click the LinkedIn button on Vitruva home page to start. That way, your LinkedIn profile will start being proactively matched to thousands of job openings around the clock and you will be notified anytime a matching job is found. Far more efficient than just waiting for people to incidentally come across your profile on LinkedIn.

2) Make your profile more attractive to employers and recruiters. Below is the link about "Extreme Profile Makeover" by Guy Kawasaki. Guy is one of the top internet marketers in the US.

All the best,


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