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Are you an IT infrastructure expert? This growth opportunity is for you!

From: Risa K.
Sent on: Thursday, March 4, 2010, 2:47 PM
Title:  Are you an IT infrastructure expert? This growth opportunity is
for you!

Location:  Boston, MA area 

Job Description:
Our client is seeking an IT infrastructure professional to join a highly
collaborative, highly intelligent and fast paced engineering team! 

Job Responsibilities:
*	Assist in the maintenance and management of internal/external
*	Design, develop and maintain middleware services
*	Ability/willingness to jump in with developers and do some
*	Communicate effectively with multiple disciplines
*	Work at a fast-pace and meet deadlines
*	Document and present ideas to others with competence and

Job Requirements:
*	4+ years working as a network engineer managing desktop systems,
networking components, and servers in a production environment.
*	2+ years configuring and managing Linux/Unix (RHEL a plus, RHEL
and Sun Solaris a double plus)
*	3+ years managing LAMP and/or J2EE-based web applications
*	3+ years hands-on administration experience with Windows XP,
2003, 2008 Active Directory, Terminal Services, Exchange 2003, 2007
*	Experience managing firewalls, VPNs and host-based monitoring
*	Knowledge of IP networking and routing
*	Expert knowledge of infrastructure services/protocols including
DNS, TCP/IP, HTTP/S, SSL, NAT, switching, VLAN, etc.
*	Ability to automate tasks using Cron, Perl (or similar), Shell
Script etc.
*	Demonstrable experience configuring and managing MS Exchange
*	Ability to specify, setup and configure Dell and Sun servers
*	Computer Science degree or related technical discipline
*	impeccable references
*	Experience with VOIP/IP Telephony is a PLUS
*	Experience managing servers in a production environment is a
huge plus! 

Job Order #[masked]

Only e-mailed resumes in Word format will be reviewed.  If you already
have a working relationship with an NDT recruiter, please contact that
recruiter directly.  Otherwise, please submit your resume to
[address removed]

We respect your privacy and will discuss with you our processes before
your resume is presented to client companies.  Please feel free to
forward this position to your colleagues.

About NDT:
Celebrating our 31st Year, New Dimensions in Technology, Inc. (NDT) is a
permanent technical placement company specializing in Technical and
Tech-Business professionals.  NDT is WBENC and SOMWBA certified.­­

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