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Survey - REDO - (if you've responded to the survey, I forgot an important item)

From: Lynn D.
Sent on: Thursday, November 15, 2012, 2:33 PM

All the responses we've had from the survey have been great (25 so far). ALL said they wanted to help - which is wonderful. However, I inadvertently deleted the name & email fields before I sent out the first email, so we don't know who you are.

So if you filled out a survey before 2:30PM on[masked], please go back and fill it out again, this time, there ARE fields for your name and email address.

We'll keep the survey up until the end of the month. If you know of any other WordPress people, please forward this to them.

We won't have anything to report back to you until the first of the year or so sit tight. You can email David North or Lynn Dye from the site with any specific questions.

We've developed a 7-question survey to get input from you. We think this group is contains the most-likely people to attend a WordCamp, so please take 2 minutes to go and complete the survey. You can find it here.


David North

Lynn Dye

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