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New Organizer of the Entrepreneur Club

From: Ron H.
Sent on: Tuesday, April 24, 2012, 5:21 PM

Robert Mercer has graciously transferred the Organizer role to Ron Harris (me – I think. Still waiting for tests to come back).

I used to be an active member of the OKC Entrepreneur club and, like many of us entrepreneurs, I got caught up in the humdrum of being an entrepreneur.

This year I am on a journey and have become a “renascent entrepreneur” reinventing himself, redefining his businesses and building “4-Hour Workweek” startups. A “renascent” is being reborn; springing again into being or vigor.

I hope I can continue to give back to you and our community about what it is to be an entrepreneur. Be on the lookout for future events!

Let us redefine entrepreneurism to be free and inspiring instead of struggling of “owning a job.” Let’s spring into being as a refreshed Renascent Entrepreneur.



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