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Please help OCBG!

From: Jennifer S.
Sent on: Monday, September 9, 2013, 5:13 PM

Hey OCBG members, my name is Jen Spinelli (Tyson and Brooklyn's mom).  I'm sending this email to ask for your help.  I've been helping Dana with preparing for the many OCBG events we have coming up.  As you may know, for both the Paws for Cancer event and the Monmouth County SPCA event, OCBG will have a table reserved.  We are attempting to improve the appearance of our table at these events.  We are also planning to give out goodie bags at both events as well.  We would really like for our goodie bags to have items that people and dogs actually enjoy such as treats, small toys, balls, coupons, mini shampoo bottles, etc.

We are asking our current group members to become more active with the events and fundraising.  I know it can be difficult to devote time because you might not have it! believe me, I know it can be hard!   Donating time is not the only way to help.  I have a few more options as to how members can help the group.  The smallest thing would be greatly appreciated!

Another way members can help the group is by donating just $2 each to help us to improve the appearance of the OCBG table and what we can put in the goodie bags.  Of course, everyone is more than welcome to donate more, although if most members can donate $2, that should be enough to accomplish what we need.  I don't like to ask people to donate, although there are necessities that need to be bought in order to make our fundraisers and event tables a success. This typically falls on Dana which, I personally don't think is not fair.

Another way to help is to donate items for the goodie bags or something to be raffled off.  Some members have been working really hard to get items donated and it is much appreciated!!  Any monetary donations can be sent to Dana's PayPal account, [address removed].   For any other type of donation you can contact Dana or myself.   

With the funds we have already raised from previous fundraisers, such as the dog wash, Dana is in the process of making the OCBG a government non profit organization.  This will help us to fundraise  and allow us to get public donations.   OCBG is also attempting to attract new members to the group also.  More members will ultimately help us to achieve the group's mission of educating people that the APBT is not a vicious fighting dog.  Also, it will help us to reach more people when there is a dog in need of a new home, and when we have our shelter drives.  Obviously ALL this will help in our causes and continue our fight in proving the dogs we own are amazing dogs by reaching tons of more people. I appreciate your time and look forward to seeing you all soon! 

Jennifer Spinelli
