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OpenERP Meetup: Live webcast info

From: Fabrice
Sent on: Wednesday, December 14, 2011, 3:17 PM

Dear OpenERP enthusiasts,

Our first Monthly Meetup will take place tonight at OpenERP US (6:00PM PST). For the ones of you who will not be present in person, we will be webcasting live through at the following address:

This is the first OpenERP Monthly Meetup and the first time OpenERP will be webcasting a live event. We want to be all about accessibility and transparency. In that regard, it is not impossible that a technical issue arises in the middle of the webcast for whatever reason: crash of a stream, audio/video desync, room environment noise. If any of this happen, I would suggest you to report it in the ustream chat, or to comment on the meetup event afterwards so we can improve our technical installation for next time.

The full session will be recorded, so you will also have the chance to watch it at a later time.

If you have any other remarks or ideas to improve our meetups, don't hesitate to communicate on the meetup page at through one of the available channels (the mailing list seems to be the most adequate).

Talk to you soon,


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