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Re: [lawofattraction-201] law of attraction

From: Sheree
Sent on: Tuesday, February 5, 2008, 6:13 PM
Yes it is.  Getting RICH as used in the teachings is getting rich is ALL areas of your life not just money.  Rich in appreciation, rich in creation, rich in close relationships, rich in feeling good, rich in joy, etc.  I've attended some of their meetings - they offer much more than the Lincoln once a month meet-up.  Read some of the member's profiles - it talks much about LOA (Law of Attraction) which is what Abraham-Hicks teaches.  I'm planning on catching the meeting Thursday & Friday.  Friday is Unity Movie Night and Thursday - I'm not really sure but it MAY be about financial wealth.  It all ties together.  Maybe I'll see you there?
In a message dated 2/5/2008 5:38:55 P.M. Central Standard Time, [address removed] writes:
Is this a group meeting to help understand the law of attraction- ester hicks and the secret,,, or is this a get rich seminar, my goal is not for material wealth but for spiritual insight

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