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What we’re about

The Omaha Mental Health User Group is exactly what it says it is - a user group. It just happens to be one for your brain instead of for a programming language. We’re combining the technology world’s concept of a meetup with the psychology world’s concept of a peer support group to provide a safe, confidential, and semi-anonymous place to share your experiences and to ask for help. Our focus is on the technical and digital creative community in Omaha - so developers, designers, bizdev… whatever.

OMHUG is open to everyone who feels they might benefit from attending. There are no requirements to attend; you don’t need a diagnosis to show up or pay a fee to get in. We don’t check your crazy card at the door. If you’re having any kind of mental issue, there’s a spot at the table for you.

If you are simply interested in mental health (either for yourself or for a family member) you are welcome to attend, but we ask that you be respectful of the other attendees.