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Phone Workshop This Saturday

From: Chuck
Sent on: Friday, May 15, 2009, 1:08 PM
Sri Raniji was the leader of the North American Oneness Movement until 2008.  She is a wonderful wise woman with an extra deep connection to the Divine Energy.  I highly recommend any workshops she puts on.
See you Sunday!
lia_news_sub_headerHarmony in Relationships

A half-day (3-hour) tele-workshop with Sri Raniji!

Harmony in relationships can lead to success, abundance and joy in all areas of your life. If you feel you are stuck in any relationship, in order to move forward you need to forgive and seek forgiveness at the SOUL level.
Working on the mind and body will not bring about real change. You may find yourself bouncing in and out of peace and joy, but lasting happiness requires deeper Soul healing.
In this three-hour teleconference, Sri Raniji offer meditations, Soul Operations and Heart-to-Heart Blessings to help you heal your relationships..

*** Learn the Heart-to-Heart Blessing**

Sri Raniji offers a powerful opportunity you don't want to miss.

For the first time ever, Sri Raniji will teach you how to give Heart-to-Heart blessings! With her spiritual guidance and support, you will not only be able to heal yourself, but also pass this blessing on to others.
Location: On the phone - from anywhere in the world Contact: [address removed]   
Cost: only $50 for 3 hours with Raniji. Please register on our site
Clink the Link to watch the video of our tele-conference

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