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What we’re about

This group is aimed at individuals that have interest in gaining knowledge, acquiring new skills and networking with like-minded individuals that are interested in prepping, survivalism, bushcraft, self-reliance and primitive skills. It is free and open to everyone.

For anyone wondering:

We don't believe in Zombies...
We don't believe the world is going to end....
We don't wear tin foil hats....
We have a life....

We're not a doom and gloom group that worries about something that may never happen but rather quite the opposite. We're just civil, intelligent people that like the idea of being prepared should something occur.

Meets are educationally-based and will sometimes feature a special guest speaker and/or demonstration followed by an open discussion between any and all members on the topic. Anyone from beginners to experts are welcome. Prepping and the art of survival involves communities and like-minded individuals. A true prepper or survivalist knows that they can't be absolutely prepared for everything.

Our primary objective is to help Canadians become more prepared through hands-on workshops, events and presentations in wilderness settings. We've met a lot of people over the years that come to terms with idea of prepping from a place that is often based in anxiety and/or a feeling of being overwhelmed. We'd like to change that nonsensical foundation and reframe things to teach Canadians that preparedness doesn't have to be motivated by fear but rather that of simple, common sense with a focus on the greater good of the community with the hopes that it will reflect on humanity.