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Reiki TUMMO Level 1 workshop - 11 May 2013 - Portarlington/Bellarine Peninsula :)

From: Anne-Marie H.
Sent on: Monday, April 29, 2013, 11:49 AM

Dear Everyone,

We are delighted to announce that we will be running a Reiki TUMMO™ Level 1 workshop in Portarlington on 11 May 2013.

Reiki TUMMO™ Level 1, New $150; Concession 25% discount; Repeating participant; $25

Everyone who learns Reiki Tummo must start at Level 1, even if they have received previous attunements from other Reiki systems. The Level 1 attunement provides the instant capability to channel Reiki healing energy simply by the intention to do so, initial kundalini activation and preparation for the kundalini awakening in Level 2. The crown, heart and palm chakras are opened and the sushumna is cleansed. Connection is made to both divine and earth core energy and you will develop the capability and be taught the methods of how to channel Reiki healing energy to yourself and others to improve your physical, mental, and emotional health.

Topics covered:

Self healing with Reiki TUMMO™.
Healing a client.
Code of ethics.
Basic distance healing.
Chakra balancing.
Reducing stress.
Balancing the Yin-Yang.
Reiki meditation.
Practitioner' s energy will be increased at least 2-3 times.

For more information or to make a booking: contact Anne-Marie [masked]) or check the flier at:


With Love and Light

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