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Consoldating Andre Chenier to Thursday and Sunday

From: David W
Sent on: Wednesday, October 13, 2010, 6:47 PM
Hi Opera Fans,
I'm looking forward to watching Andre Chenier this week. I hope you are as well. Please note, that this performance is at the Sejong Center, near Gwanghwamun Station on Line 5. This is different from our previous meeting place in the Seoul Arts Center.

I have visited the Sejong Center, and they have told me that there will be English subtitles available for this performance!! So this will be a rare chance to see a performance with English subtitles here in Korea. Also, I checked on ticket availability, and there are still plenty of tickets. Only Saturday night seems close to selling out. Therefore, I think there will be no problem if we buy tickets on the same day of the performance.

I am checking the RSVP counts on our site, and only Thursday and Sunday seem to have sufficient interest to keep them open. Therefore, I'm closing the other days. Also, I only plan to attend the performance on Thursday (that's tomorrow), so I hope someone else planning to attend will agree to be organizer on Sunday.

Please, let's meet tomorrow 30 minutes before the performance at Gwanghwamun station exit 8, at 7:00 pm. We can proceed from there directly to the box office (it is about a 5 minute walk from the exit) to buy tickets.

By the way, here is a YouTube recording of Maria Callas singing "La Momma Morta", which is one of the most famous aria's in this opera:

I hope to see you there tomorrow!


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