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From the Desk of the President – Important Updates

From: Randy C.
Sent on: Sunday, November 30, 2014, 11:46 AM

Below are some important updates. Please read through the whole email... if you are like me, you stop after the first couple lines. ;-)

Practices / Deerfield Beach
Chaos will continue to have practices until December 13th and then take a couple weeks off for the holidays. Due to the convenience of the new location (and weather permitting), we may introduce ad hoc practices in January, February, and March. Our 2015 practices officially kick off on March 28th.

Looks like we are short paddlers for Deerfield, unless I hear back from others, I’ll cancel and we’ll have our normal Saturday session next week (12/6).

Survey ends today!
If you haven’t responded yet, please fill out the end of season survey: 2014 Chaos Survey

2015 Leadership Positions
Shortly, we’ll be confirming our 2015 Organized Chaos Leadership. Please let me know if you are interested or have questions about the below positions by December 14th. It takes a village to run a club, and Chaos needs you!
• President
• Secretary
• Treasurer
• Team Captain (2 positions available)
• Fund Development (Fundraising and Donations)

Total Body Conditioning – Karen is Back!
Karen Davidson will be providing us a weekly total body conditioning class at the Covenant Presbyterian Church fitness wing (accessibly via Dilworth Rd) for the months of Jan, Feb, and March. All fitness levels are welcome as she provides variations for each exercise. Her regular rate is $12/session, but Chaos subsidized the fee and cost is now $5 per person.
What a great way to stay active and connected in the off season!!

Reserve your spot here: LINK

Although not done yet, 2014 was an amazing year for the club! Stay tuned for a Party invite so we can celebrate our accomplishments and welcome in the new 2015 Leadership Team.

See you on the water!

Randy Crow

Organized Chaos, President