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Den of Wolves: New Eden (Megagame)

Photo of John Keyworth
Hosted By
John K. and Jessica
Den of Wolves: New Eden (Megagame)


In this game you will play a member of a space fleet, survivors of a massive attack from the nation of Wolf - decimating and subjugating the other settled worlds. Together you will be trying to survive in space, flee further Wolf attacks and find a new home for your people - a New Eden.

The game runs for 8 to 18 players over 3 to 4 hours, split into 8 turns. The game plays in real time, so managing your time and delegating tasks is an important part of the game.

Each player will be assigned a role of one of the survivor fleet space ships and must work together to succeed. Each ship represents a team of players and each come from a different nation or colony from before the attack.

Beware, however, Wolf planted agents throughout the colonies before the attack and it’s highly probable that some will be hiding amongst other players in the fleet.


New players are welcome, and no prior experience is required to play. While the rules will be explained on the night to all players, but you can also read the player's guide by clicking this link.

While there are hidden traitors in the game, and they are an important part of it, most people's game will be focused more on collaborative resource management compared to pure hidden role games.

There is a Β£3 charge to cover the cost of the venu and printing game materials (a payment link will be messaged to you nearer the time).


If we do not get the minimum 8 players required to play the game we will be running a boardgame/roleplaying game night in the venue instead.

Photo of Oxford On Board group
Oxford On Board
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Ark-T @ The Venue
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