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Join us on 8/28 for Jeff Crilley's presentation...He is the BEST!

From: Suzanne C.
Sent on: Wednesday, August 21, 2013, 6:27 PM

All of us would like to take our Rotary PR game to the next level. And who better to help us do that than a media insider? Former Emmy Award winning TV reporter Jeff Crilley will share the secrets to getting good news stories that even many seasoned PR pros don't know.


Jeff believes in combining learning with laughter. His charismatic speaking style lends itself perfectly to this fun, interactive, information-packed talk. Takeaways include:


-How to come up with stories the media will love

-The best and worst times for news coverage

-How to keep your press releases from getting thrown away

-How to become the "expert" in your field the media will call for a quote

-How to keep reporters coming back for more


Jeff Crilley Speaker Video: v=m-xb8CnPtVw


 Jeff Crilley retired from TV news after 25 years in the business to start the country's first "all journalist" PR firm. During his career he made hundreds of national news appearances including CNN, CNN Headline News, FOX News, The Discovery Channel, Good Morning America and The CBS Early Show.


He has been recognized by his peers with dozens of national and regional awards including the Emmy, the National Headliners Award, the Edward R. Murrow Award, the Thurgood Marshall Award and in 2004 was named by the Texas Associated Press, "The Best TV Reporter in the state."


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