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New Meetup: "Fuel" at the Living Room Theater

From: Lane'
Sent on: Tuesday, October 6, 2009, 9:45 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Portland Sustainability & Green Living Group!

What: "Fuel" at the Living Room Theater

When: November 3,[masked]:00 PM

Living Room Theater
341 SW 10th Ave
Portland, OR 97205

Showtimes have not yet been announced, but I plan on attending the evening showing. Tickets are only $5!!!

If you plan on eating at the theater, please arrive 30 minutes prior to the start of the movie to order your food. If you don't plan on eating something, please still plan on meeting in the lobby 20 minutes prior to the film start time.

We'll stick around a bit after the movie to discuss the film so please plan your night and time accordingly.

Movie Details:

FUEL is a comprehensive and entertaining look at energy in America: a history of where we have been, our present predicament and a solution to our dependence on foreign oil.

Rousing and reactionary, FUEL is an amazing, in-depth, personal journey of oil use and abuse as it examines wide-ranging energy solutions other than oil, the faltering US auto and petroleum industries, and the latest stirrings of the American mindset toward alternative energy.

Josh Tickell?s stirring, radical and multi-award winning FUEL may be known by some as the ?little energy documentary,? but in truth, it?s a powerful portrait of America?s overwhelming addiction to, and reliance on, oil. As first time director and narrator of the film, Tickell offers a virtual tour guide through the drama of fuel, the history, the politics, the mess that the world is in and the fascinating alternatives for a way out. In the movie, he interviews politicians, historians, professors and a sprinkling of activist celebrities, all of whom have their own take on one of the most important and pressing concerns of the modern era. Interviews with a wide range of environmentalists, policy makers and educators, along with such ?green? celebrities as Woody Harrelson, Sheryl Crow and Larry Hagman offer serious fuel for thought.

FUEL encourages the discussion about the consequences of abusing our oil resources. Especially now, during this moment of ?Change? going on in our country, it is extremely important to examine all the factors that have contributed to not only the economic meltdown, but also the environmental crisis and this country?s position in the world. And now as Americans look for answers and seek accountability, FUEL can help break the discussion wide open as it exposes the shocking connections between the auto industry, the oil industry and government, while exploring alternative energies such as solar wind, electricity and non-food based biofuels.

FUEL is an example of the social movement that is going on in the country. As our government seeks to bail out the auto industry and our new President speaks of investing in alternative energies as the way of our future and creating green industries, FUEL challenges the audience to make a change and seek accountability, reinforcing the idea that the power of every individual can and will make a difference.

More information:

Running time: 111 minutes


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