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What we’re about

The purpose of this group is to create a safe space to foster discussion and community between people interested in psychedelics and psychedelic research. The psychedelic experience can often leave one with more questions than answers, and this meetup will be an excellent forum to ask questions, share techniques and strategies for successful journeying, and empower the psychedelic narrative. Be warned: this group is not about hooking up or scoring, and no talk of this kind will be tolerated. These substances--while used by humankind since time immemorial--are, at the moment, schedule one illegal drugs and so while we can talk about them, we must respect the inherent risk of involving ourselves in criminal activity. To that end, this meetup will function as an empowering forum for those who believe that the current legal status of psychedelics is simply a historical anomaly that will, in time, be overturned.
To encourage a diverse range of voices at our events, PPS is committed to inclusivity; welcoming people of all ages, abilities, genders, races/ethnicities, socioeconomic classes, sexual orientations, and spiritual beliefs.

Please visit our website for more information.

This is not a licensed service. For community discussion purposes only.