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New Event: Come to Ragtime's Birthday Party at Ortlieb's Jazzhaus!

From: user 3.
Sent on: Thursday, November 15, 2007, 6:34 PM
Announcing a new event for The Philadelphia Dining Out Meetup Group!

What: Come to Ragtime's Birthday Party at Ortlieb's Jazzhaus!

When: Saturday, November 24, 7:30 PM

Event fee: USD11.00 per person

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Event Description: Most of you have heard a ragtime piano piece called "The Entertainer," even if you don't know it by name ... or even if you didn't see the classic film "The Sting."

"The Entertainer" and many MANY other upbeat ragtime pieces saw their beginning around the turn of the 20th century thanks to Scott Joplin, who was born on November 24, 1868.

Celebrate the master's birthday with us and some delicious creole cooking at Ortlieb's Jazzhaus!

NOTE: There is live jazz at this MeetUp, so there will be a $10 cover charge at the door that DOES NOT include dinner.

NOTE 2 (the sequel): We did something similar to this at Warmdaddy's in May, and the whole experience was excellent. Don't let the cover deter you. It's guaranteed to be a great time!




Please use the "MAYBE" option, if:

1. You're unsure of whether or not you can make the dinner; or
2. You're not totally committed to coming. (You can always change it later.)

IF YOU RSVP "MAYBE," please confirm "YES" or "NO" as soon as possible because events fill up quickly.

In order to accommodate members who want to attend the event (but didn't get to RSVP as quickly), RSVPs still listed as "MAYBE" two days before the event will automatically default to "NO" to make room for other potential attendees.

By the same token, the site will not accept "MAYBE" RSVPs within the two days prior to the event. (New RSVPs that list themselves as "Maybe" are automatically defaulted to "No" as well.)



Usual rules apply...

Three quick things you need to know:
1) Make sure you RSVP right away since our reservation is limited to 15 people.
2) To help defray the costs of the website, $1 will be added to your bill at the restaurant. Small price to pay for great food and great company!
3) If you happen to arrive at the restaurant before I do, the reservation is in my name (Charles).

RSVP & Waitlisting
One final note ... Please stay true to your RSVP. If you don't think you can make it make it, please change your RSVP, so others can join in the fun. (Likewise, if you want to participate in the event, but it's already filled up; RSVP "NO" and put "Waitlist me" in the response section. I'll contact you if any spaces open up.)



Ortlieb's Jazzhaus
847 N. 3rd Street
Philadelphia, PA 19123

Learn more here:

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