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What we’re about

If you are interested in joining our group please subscribe because we now meet via Skype.

We do not publish meetings any more but send out a personal message via the members list for information about the next topic.

PhiloMadrid is one of the longest running (2003-2004) Philosophy meeting groups in Madrid. We meet every Sunday to discuss issues and topics with philosophical implications. Topics are more applied philosophy in nature than academic philosophy. Think of Plato or Socrates meeting friends after lunch to discuss interesting topics rather than preparing for your school or university exam.

And if you think after eleven or so years of meetings there isn't much left to discuss, you'll be surprised!

Meetings are in English and everyone is welcome.

Our blog for past meetings is: <br> <br> <br> <br>best Lawrence <br>


PS: As a group we don't have many rules but:

- we must buy a drink from the bar since we do not pay to use a venue. So I'm afraid this is mandatory.

- respect members of the group. <br>

- we do not discuss religion or politics in Spain as subjects; and during the meeting I have the final say on the topic. <br> <br><br> <br>NB...I should point out that we also have a mailing list which is run independent of this group. Hence more people might attend than the RSPVs here. <br>