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Photoshop Challenge - everyone welcome to play!

From: Sally C.
Sent on: Monday, June 18, 2012, 10:56 PM

Your mission . . . should you choose to accept it . . .

I have uploaded a new Photoshop Challenge (it's through my user group, but everyone is welcome to play):

1) Find the original file here:
it's called "tressel.jpg"

2) Download it to your computer and add a train, subway car, whatever you want, to the tracks. Use artistic license!

3) Upload the finished file here, to the photo album called "Photoshop Challenge June[masked]":
Add a comment to let us know what you did and how you did it.

4) Please don't email me for instructions (I won't respond - no offense, but I am busy!) 
All directions are listed here.

5) Most important rule: HAVE FUN WITH IT!

Thanks for playing!



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