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New Meetup: Explorng your Photographic Vision with Lightroom - Winter Workshop Series

From: Ian M.
Sent on: Thursday, September 23, 2010, 10:11 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Photography Workshops!

What: Explorng your Photographic Vision with Lightroom - Winter Workshop Series

When: Wednesday, October 13,[masked]:00 PM

Price: $200.00 per person

Where: Studio
Weymouth MA
Weymouth, MA 02188

Want to really grow as a photographer. Looking to spend the winter improving your skills. Here is an opportunity to be part of an intensive 8 session workshop which will focus on understanding your photographic vision, your style, and how to bring both to the fore in Adobe Lightroom.

Photography is a process which involves three activities -

1. Seeing the shot
2. Taking the shot
3. producing the final image (post-processing)

The strongest photographs occur when all three activities are in tune with each other. During this intensive workshop we will work through David DuChemin's latest book: Vision and Voice -Refining Your Vision in Adobe Lightroom, exploring how to move from our initial vision of the shot to it's final rendering using the basics of the Adobe Lightroom Develop module.

With our own images and some of David's as examples we will consider the initial vision which moved the photographer to take the shot and explore how best to realize that vision in the finished image. As we move deeper into the workshop we will begin to look more deeply at our photographic 'Voice" - the way we communicate in our images. Do we have a recognizable "voice" (style) in the way we present our finished product?

This workshop is not meant to be a technical introduction to Lightroom, it is rather an in depth look at the photographic process, exploring such questions as:

Why did we take that particular photograph?
What do we want the final image to convey?
How do we post-process to successfully convey it?

You will be asked to consider and explain why you took a particular photograph, what moved you and why, and more importantly, how do you convey those emotions and feelings to the viewer of your final image.

The workshop will be limited to no more than five participants and will meet on alternate Wednesdays from October through January.

It is suitable for advanced level photographers and intermediate photographers who wish to gain a better understanding of their own photographic vision, and who want to experience the methods and skills of translating that vision into finished images which strongly convey the power and emotion which drew you to take the shot in the first place.

The workshop will be led by Professional Photographer, Ian Murray. This will be a small and intimate group who will be expected to participate in intense discussion and exercises at a deep level. You will be asked to question and explore your whole approach to photography.

The workshop will meet at 7pm and end at approximately 9pm - we will go later if the class demands it.
The location will be the relaxed setting of Ian's living room and refreshments will be provided.
Meeting dates are as follows:
Oct 13 and 27
Nov 10 and 24
Dec 8 and 22
Jan 5 and 19

The cost of the class is $200, payable in advance and will includes a copy of David's Book.

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