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Treat Yourself to a photography workshop at 40% off

From: Ian M.
Sent on: Friday, December 31, 2010, 9:02 AM
Today is your last chance to save big on photography workshops in the New Year.

Take advantage of the massive 40%? discount and pay today for workshops in the new year.

Get a four session Photoshop CS5 workshop for just $90 instead of the regular $150 price.

Save yourself a massive $60 off the regular fee of $150 for a professional studio shoot workshop with a body painted model and Harley motorcycles, with all the proceeeds going to a non-profit foundation that helps kids with cancer and their families.??

Just look up the Huge 40% off meetup on the site and sign up.

Pay $30 now for your absolute beginners workshops and you will gain $20 to spend against the cost of another workshop.

Hurry, these offers end later today.


Have a great New Year!

Best Regards


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