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Fall Photography School is Filling Fast

From: Ian M.
Sent on: Thursday, August 25, 2011, 12:57 PM

Just a handful of spaces left on this unique opportunity to stretch your photography skills and learn new techniques with professional photographer, Ian Murray.

With over 40 years of experience Ian will take you through 6 intense classes geared towards developing your eye and increasing your control over your photography.


For less than $15 per hour you get:


  • The benefit of small group instruction
  • Lots of attention from an experienced professional
  • A mix of lecture and hands-on photography
  • Image review by Ian
  • Advanced camera control
  • Advanced Landscape Photography (Fall Foliage in Vermont)
  • Studio and Outdoor location Portraiture
  • Macro Photography
  • The Gestalt of Imagery (How viewers see your photographs)
  • Advanced composition techniques
  • Developing your eye.


Classes will run on Thursdays and Saturdays from Sept 29 through Oct 20 as follows


Thu Evenings 7-9   (Sep 29, Oct 6, Oct 20)

Saturdays  (full day)  (Oct 1, Ocvt 8, Oct 15)


The location of classes may vary but all locations will be South of Boston and in or within 20 miles fo the Weymouth area, except for Saturday classes which include time in Vermont and the city of Boston.


The cost is just $575 for this fantastic range of classes which will take your photography to the next level.


Recent comments  on Ian's teaching and workshop classes include:

This is one of the better Meetup groups in the Boston area, because it's run by a true professional who knows what he's doing, and is committed to providing a quality experience. Ian clearly has a depth of knowledge in this area, and I think anyone could learn a lot from him. His workshops are inexpensive enough to be accessible to the average person who just wants to take better pictures, but also contain sufficient depth to appeal to professionals who want to up their game. Highly recommended.  Jason


Ian is an excellent teacher and I love that he keeps his students at a minimum number so you get a more personal experience. I highly recommend this group!  Effie


I attended one of Ian's private classes and know that he is the real deal - an excellent teacher and very knoweldgable. A workshop with Ian is money very well spent indeed. His patient and informative approach had me understanding things in minutes which I had previously struggled with for months. The guy is an absolute phenomenon - why he isn't on the international circuit making a fortune I don't know. I am only glad that he has chosen to forgoe obvious fame and fortune to stick around and run this group for the benefit of us all - Bless you Ian! Jan


Sign up and find more details at:

or call Ian on[masked]


Best Regards

Ian Murray





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