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The Eye of the Beholder

From: Ian M.
Sent on: Wednesday, September 14, 2011, 9:36 AM
Can you deliberately construct a photograph where: You can predict and control how the viewer's eye will travel around the image? You create a sense of real depth in your image? You recognize the position and visual weight of objects in your image to create balance or dynamic tension? You knowingly choose which elements to include and which to exclude? Knowing how to operate the camera is a necessary skill that enables you to produce good photographs, but to produce absolutely stunning photographs you need to develop your eye and obtain an understanding of how elements combine to lead a viewer to interpret the image in exactly the way you intended. The Fall Photo School is the ideal place to hone your skills in this often neglected area of photography instruction. Not only will you gain a better understanding of the camera controls at your disposal, but you will also learn how to lead and manipulate the viewer to see the shot you intended to show. No longer will you wonder why the stunning image you saw in front of you when you pressed the shutter looks flat and boring on the final image. This series of six classes will take you a step or two beyond where you are now and have you producing high quality images that really capture what you see before you. Over three evenings and three full days you will cover a wide range of skills and techniques, many of which are rarely included in photograph classes. Join professional photographer, Ian Murray, and a very small group fro this intimate and intensive series of workshops and your photography will soar to new heights. The series provides over 40 hours of instruction at less than $15 per hour, making it some of the best value instruction you are likely to find in New England. The total cost for the series is just $575 and installment plans are available. For more details and dates of classes check out Or call Ian Murray on. [masked]

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