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Update on David DuChemin Workshop

From: Ian M.
Sent on: Wednesday, October 31, 2012, 1:31 PM
Earlier this year David (a Canadian) was refused entry to the US because he had no fixed home address in Canada. US immigration were concerned that he may be trying to enter the US to live here with his US girlfriend. Despite several months of trying to resolve the issue and allay the fears of the immigration David is still being refused entry to the USA. Below is the text from my latest communication with his agent: "Ian - Thank you so much for keeping in touch. The reality is that David's status with US Homeland Security hasn't changed and he's not able to commit to any engagement in the US for the foreseeable future (it could be a year or two before anything of significance changes). I'm sorry for the bad news". . ................................................................ In view of the above I will continue to communicate with David and his agent in the hope that things change and I will also keep the meetup event open so as to preserve the member RSVPs but I suspect it will be quite some time before the event can be held. Ian

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