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Happening this weekend

From: Ian M.
Sent on: Friday, March 22, 2013, 10:54 AM

Image Critique Night

Friday March 22nd $[masked]pm – 10pm Pembroke

Come along and get your images professionally critiqued.

Composition Workshop
Saturday March 23rd $50 10am-3pm Boston

If you want your images to really communicate your intent then you need to master the skills and techniques of composition. Learn how to get beyond the rule of thirds in this challenging but instructional workshop. We will work outdoors in Boston for the duration of the class with a café and restaurant right beside us as we work so that warmth and refreshments are close at hand. Includes a detailed handout and some tough challenging exercises that will improve your composition skills.

Advanced Flash Class
Sunday March 24th 10am – 3pm Pembroke

Suitable for Canon and Nikon users alike this class will take you beyond the basics.

This is a class for those who are looking to really advance their use of off-camera flash.

Getting your flash off the camera is often essential if you want to control the lighting in your shot. Whether it is a person or a still life or even a close-up macro shot there is an advantage to getting the flash off the camera. But understanding the wireless options, the groupings, channels and how to control them is essential if you are to take advantage of the many features a modern speedlight offers.




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